Gee Whiz it's cold! And after such a beautiful start to the day. It was just perfect early on; it felt like a day in the mountains with a crystal clear sky and just the right touch of coolness in the air. In fact, I had just gotten thru with an email to Arly Carrara, wife of Doc Carrara, surgeon at the LZ XRay battle. Arly has just returned to Chicago from an extended stay in Hawaii and she was complaining about the weather in Chicago upon her return. I had to crow about how lovely the weather was here, with no wind for a change. I had literally just hit the send button on the email touting this fact, when I heard a deep groaning outside and saw the trees were doubled over with wind, dust followed. Lesson: God don't like you crowing about your good weather.......he can change it just like that! Poof! And out here He often does. Poof, just like that. West Texas is called God's country, for just that reason. He is experimenting with how much patience humans have and just how much they'll put up with. Apparently some of us are willing to put up with quite a bit, we're still here.
But I do have that home improvement loan pending with my bankers. Perhaps the improvement will be to buy some land south of town, have a large hole dug and bury my house. The lawn will be on the roof and all the dirt and debris will pass straight on over me. No leaves on the patio, no cares. And I'll go in for more concrete flooring, simply hose the home out. Simplicity.
Many readers have been asking for more information on Notrees, Texas. I am happy to oblige at: Though I think the editor of this site has vastly over-estimated the population, having never seen an actual person in Notrees myself.
But I do have that home improvement loan pending with my bankers. Perhaps the improvement will be to buy some land south of town, have a large hole dug and bury my house. The lawn will be on the roof and all the dirt and debris will pass straight on over me. No leaves on the patio, no cares. And I'll go in for more concrete flooring, simply hose the home out. Simplicity.
Many readers have been asking for more information on Notrees, Texas. I am happy to oblige at: Though I think the editor of this site has vastly over-estimated the population, having never seen an actual person in Notrees myself.