Sunday, March 24, 2002

Blower/Sucker Update: I waited anxiously all night until I could start the Model 51591 up again. And start 'er up I did, at 0945 hours. Very close to the house next door, to make sure they were awake. They need a role model in yard care. It almost made me cry to see how easy blowin' leaves out of the ivy in front was. I used to do this by hand due to the tangled ivy mess . The Model 51591 performed this task in minutes, blowing all the debris into the yard for easy disposal. And.....if I weren't such a model citizen I could have turned her up to the "1/5th the speed of sound" setting and had all the leaves in the street in short order. But as I say I'm a model citizen, plus I was afraid of getting caught.
My next project is an engineering one. The Model 51591 comes with several connections which allow the operator to choke down the air flow. I'm thinking that if I devise several more of my own, to really choke it down, I can get the true air flow up over the speed of sound. I'm wondering does a stationary object create "sonic booms". I hope so, it'll be a good movitator for the neighbors in doing their yard work. To read more about this subject go to: Speed of Sound.Com