Wednesday, March 20, 2002

A beautiful day in the desert, and personally productive. Except, before I outline events, I must confess that I am full of angst and guilt. I admit my mistakes here. I once again had two [2] doughnuts.......yes that's two and I even ate one of them completely whole without nibbling at it. To make matters worse, I had access to "free pizza" at lunch, where I had two [2] I can't lie, three [3] pieces. One with the dreaded "sausage". I have taken years off of my life. I am crushed by my lack of will power in these matters, but what would you do? It was all free.
The free lunch was provided by the Confederate Air Force, where I am on the committee for the Air Show. We are in the first stages of planning the 2002 show. All is going well, but the events of 9/11 have affected us. The cost of explosives has gone up, mainly due to tighter control. We use about $10,000 worth, and are used to blowing up whatever we feel like, but no more. Damn Arabs. I also, had the opportunity to use one of my Washington D.C. contacts in the Air Force to try and arrange to have a C-17 flown in for the show. The world's largest airplane, and with them in use in Afghanistan hard to get. But there is a chance I'm told.
For the remainder of the afternoon, I went to visit my old friend Charles Schwab to move some money around; people don't know how much you have if you move it around. And then to my partner Del Sloan's office to talk about doing a "horizontal drilling" project, a lateral run from a well we drillied last year that found the only water laden porosity in a field surrounded by very good producing zones. we hit a, of course, know how that goes.....!